The SVI lab is equipped with several sample preparation platforms and advanced sophisticated analysis tools:
High-temperature equipments
- Glass-melting electrical furnaces
- High-temperature (<1500°C) hot-stage
Deposition and fabrication techniques
- Magnetron sputtering chamber “Misstic”, with three magnetrons and several in situ measurements during sputtering (stress measurement, SDRS, resistivity), connected to XPS chamber, LEED and annealing stage for in-situ monitoring
- Photolithography
- Zwick mechanical press for nano-imprinting
Microanalysis and spectroscopy (local measures)
- Raman spectrometer equipped with an accurate translation stage compatible with high-resolution mapping
- Atomic force microscope, compatible with large samples
- In-situ XPS equipped with an ion sputtering gun for XPS profiles.
Optical measurements
- Bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) measurement setup
- High-resolution goniospectrophotometry
In addition, our researchers have direct access to some of the analysis tools of the SGR Paris environment:
- Scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM) equipped with STEM mode
- Optical measurements (ellipsometer, UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer including a module for angle-resolved measurements)
- High speed camera
- Industrial sputtering coaters for thin-film deposition
- Furnace systems for controlled heat treatments
- Laser systems for surface treatments and functionalization
On demand access to SGR Paris tools and external platforms:
- SGR Lab:
- Secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS)
- Electron microprobe (EMP), also known as an electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA)
- State of the art X-ray diffraction tools
- TEMPOS-NanoTEM, Orsay