Amandine Serve

PhD student at Saint-Gobain Recherche (SGR)

Laboratory Surface du Verre et Interfaces (SVI)
UMR125 CNRS — Saint-Gobain

39 quai Lucien Lefranc
93303 Aubervilliers Cedex
+33 (0)1 48 39 65 90
amandine.serve A_T

Research interests

• Glass surface
• Corrosion
• Surface characterization

Current research

Alteration of the surface of soda-lime silicate glass as a function of composition

Keywords: glass surface, atmospheric alteration, corrosion

PhD supervisors :
• Hervé Montigaud (SVI) ;
• Sophie Papin (SGR Paris, EV) ;
• Odile Majérus (Institut de recherche de Chimie Paris, PCMTH) ;
• Daniel Caurant (Institut de recherche de Chimie Paris, PCMTH).

Previous research

• « Implementation of hyperspectral imaging techniques for the industry » Internship in SGR Germany, 3 months
• « Generation and condensation of gas bubble in glass » Internship in SGR Paris, 6 months
• « Formation of ferrofluid satellite droplets induced by a magnet and the influence of the surface hydrophobicity on the splitting’s dynamics» Internship in Aalto University, Soft Matter and Wetting Group, Helsinki, 4 months


• 2018-2019 : Engineer diploma at Mines ParisTech, France. Master in Materials Science and Engineering.
• 2015-2019 : Engineer diploma at Ecole polytechnique, France