Adrien Girault

PhD student at Saint-Gobain Recherche (SGR)

Laboratory Surface du Verre et Interfaces (SVI)
UMR125 CNRS — Saint-Gobain

39 quai Lucien Lefranc
93303 Aubervilliers Cedex
adrien.girault A_T

Research interests

Thin layer, optoelectronics, ultrafast laser, photochemistry, photocatalysis, semiconductor, solar panel

Current research

Thesis work on TiO2: Correlation between structural and optoelectronic properties of TiO2 ultra-thin layer for photocatalysis application.

Keywords: TiO2, Ultrafast laser, semiconductor

Supervisors: In the IPCMS: Pierre Gilliot, thesis director (research director, CNRS), Mathieu Gallart (lecturer, Strasbourg university), Marc Ziegler (project engineer)

In SVI (Surface du Verre et Interface) : Matteo Balestrieri (research engineer), Herve Montigaud (research associate), Iryna Gozhyk (research engineer)

In the thin Layer department of Saint-Gobain research Paris: Lorenzo Mancini (Project manager) and Davide Sciacca (research engineer)

Previous research

5-month internship in the IMS (institute for Molecular Science) on the theme “lateral junction for organic solar Panel

6-month internship in SGR Paris on the theme “study of the kinetic of species migration in silver thin layers”


2020-2023: Doctoral thesis with Saint-Gobain Research Paris in the IPCMS (CNRS, Strasbourg)

2019-2020: Master 2 in material chemistry in Sorbonne University

2017-2020: Engineer diploma in the ENSCP (National school of chemistry of Paris)